Parent Support: 415-441-KIDS (5437) 24 hours a day, 7 days a week Learn More
Classes & Services: 415-668-0494 during business hours Learn More

Join our event – A Celebration of Parenthood

We are hosting a free event for families that includes fun games, activities and crafts. Come join us for an afternoon of fun that the whole family can enjoy!

Learn more about Safe & Sound’s work in a podcast interview with our CEO, Dr. Pegah Faed

Pegah and the podcast host had a wide ranging discussion about Safe & Sound’s work and touched upon our priority activities for the coming years.

Spring Break Ideas

While your kids are excited that it is a week of endless possibilities, we understand that as a parent - taking care of logistics can be hard. Here are some suggestions for you to try.

Everyone has a story to tell – what’s yours?

We’ve partnered with The Moth to offer an exclusive storytelling workshop and coaching opportunity for our clients and supporters to tell their own stories…

Building Pathways for Supporting Children & Families

Safe & Sound senior adviser and former CEO, Katie Albright, has co-authored a powerful piece in the latest issue of Family Justice Journal setting out a guide for building pathways for supporting children and families in their own communities.

Who’s the best person to keep you safe?

Our Community Education Program teaches children how to keep themselves safe, how to respond to different types of pressure from others, and to talk to a trusted adult about their experiences.

Every Call for Help Matters

Safe & Sound’s TALK Line provides 24/7 support for parents and caregivers in a moment of need. Just one call to the TALK Line can change a family's life forever. …

Blue Ribbon 2025 Celebration

Please join us to celebrate and fundraise at our 28th Annual Blue Ribbon Celebration and help us build brighter futures for our families and community!

New report from the Family Violence Council to support better understanding of family violence in San Francisco

As lead of the SF Child Abuse Prevention Council and a tri-chair of the Family Violence Council, Safe & Sound brings its expertise in child abuse prevention to this broader mission.

New publication: New Opportunities with Enhanced Care Management

We are pleased to share a new publication co-written by TONIC, a cross-sectional workgroup dedicated to preventing and treating toxic stress in San Francisco’s children. The paper demonstrates the value of TONIC’s approach of breaking down silos and bringing together leaders.

Our holiday toy store brought joy to over 500 children this year

This annual initiative has been in effect for many years and grows year over year. Having received generous donations from individuals and businesses, we built a magical toy store within the Safe & Sound office in Bayview, with toys, books and clothes for children of different ages.

The FSA Amplifies Parent Voices at CFRA Town Hall

The San Francisco Family Services Alliance (FSA), supported by Safe & Sound, successfully co-hosted the Bay Area California Family Resource Association (CFRA) Town Hall Meeting to discuss local advocacy priorities and shape statewide policy efforts that help families and communities thrive.

Holidays critical for child-abuse-prevention nonprofit

The San Francisco Examiner has published an article covering our critical work to support families, and how we hope to minimize their stress this holiday season…

Safe & Sound raises almost $1 million to support local families

Safe & Sound brought together 300 guests to the Four Seasons Hotel in San Francisco on Saturday 7 December for their annual Blue Ribbon Celebration event. Guests were invited to ‘light up the night’ to recognize the importance of Safe & Sound’s critical mission and raise funds so they can build and expand on their work in the community.

Lunch & Learn: Elevating Lived Expertise in System Change

Together, we discussed how to effectively and systematically integrate the valuable insights of lived experts into program development and system reform, to bridge the gap between the intention and the impact of programs on the people they are designed to serve.

A Father’s Journey –  Your Support Changes Lives at Safe & Sound 

When I first came to Safe & Sound, I felt overwhelmed as the sole provider for my family, caring for three children and my wife, who requires extra support. Safe & Sound provided me with the support I needed. Read Ramon’s story…

Safe & Sound and SFCASA Host Mayoral Candidates’ Forum on Foster Care and Juvenile Justice

We brought together San Francisco’s top mayoral candidates to address critical issues affecting the city’s families, children, and youth, in a one-of-a kind event.

Analyzing the data to refine our recommended approach to ACEs screening

Having completed the 36-month Trauma-Informed ACEs Screening and Intervention Evaluation (TASIE) Project in May, the data has now been analyzed to understand lessons to be learned for future implementation.

Hear our CEO, Pegah Faed, in an online interview with local podcast

Safe & Sound was chosen as the first organization featured in Beyond the Fog’s series highlighting San Francisco nonprofits. Listen to the episode online.

Safe & Sound supports parents to gain resilience and be more confident

Read Sharon’s story to understand how parents can benefit from Safe & Sound’s services.

Learn how our Kid’s Turn workshops help children & parents through parental separation & divorce

Kid’s Turn equips parents experiencing a relationship breakdown with the skills to collaborate and heal alongside their child.

Lunch & Learn: Prioritizing Lived Expertise to Transform Systems and Programs

In this second event in the 2024 series about moving from lived experience to lived expertise, we had a robust discussion about transforming systems and programs in partnership with individuals who have actual experience with how those systems and programs could work better for them, their families, and their communities.

In memory of Maria Eitz, a Founding Member of Safe & Sound

It is with heavy hearts that we share the sad news of the passing of one of Safe & Sound’s founding members, Maria Eitz. Maria was a remarkable person, truly giving and selfless, who dedicated her life to supporting families in our community.

Raising Awareness on Neglect and Overreporting in the Child Welfare System

Spotlight on Neglect webinar goal was to raise awareness about the high correlation of poverty and allegations of neglect and the fact that providing families with the resources and supports they need can keep families safely together without unnecessary child welfare involvement.

Help Equip Kids for Success: Support Our Backpack and School Supplies Drive!

Join Safe & Sound's annual Back-to-School Drive and help provide essential school supplies to children in need. Last year, we made a difference for Mia and her family, giving her the hope and confidence to start the school year on equal footing with her peers. Your support can bring smiles and hope to many more children this year.

Blue Ribbon 2024 Celebration

Please join us to celebrate and fundraise for the families we serve at Safe & Sound! For more than 50 years, we have been at the forefront of providing programs that keep children safe and families strong. Support our mission at our 27th Annual “Blue Ribbon Celebration” and help us build brighter futures for our families and community!

Safe & Sound Completes Successful Program Demonstrating Feasibility of ACEs Screening at Scale Across the United States

Safe & Sound is proud to announce the CYW’s successful completion of a groundbreaking program aimed at demonstrating the feasibility of ACEs screening…

Lunch & Learn: Honoring Child Abuse Prevention Month at Safe & Sound’s Family Strengthening Forum

We kicked off the year joined by Dr. Diana Ramos, Surgeon General of California and Jahmal Miller, Chief Administrative Officer of Mercy Medical Group to discuss trauma the impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) on brain development and toxic stress.

Our TALK Line Keeps Children Safe – Your Support Makes it Happen

The TALK Line is Safe & sound’s “front door” that many families use for our direct, supportive, wrap-around services…

Why a San Francisco nonprofit’s gift drive meant so much this year

Workers and volunteers with Safe and Sound — a San Francisco nonprofit focused on preventing and reducing the impact of childhood abuse, neglect and trauma throughout California — began the year with cause for celebration.

Your Support is a Lifeline for Families and Children Facing Challenges

Joyous sounds fill Safe & Sound’s Therapeutic Children’s Playroom as children giggle and play. The Playroom, always buzzing with activities…

Lunch & Learn: Imagine if…families and communities discuss a support network that works better for them

What does a community pathway really mean for families, and how can organizations listen to those families to understand what they want and need, and navigate the hurdles to providing that support?

Lunch & Learn: Looking back and moving forward – shifting from mandated reporting to community supporting

In this discussion we considered how much progress has been made in just one year to shift the paradigm from mandated reporting of families to building community supports so families can safely stay together and thrive in their own communities.

Help Children Be Successful This School Year

As a new school year approaches, the excitement of seeing friends and learning new things can quickly be erased by the stresses too often felt by families living in vulnerable situations…

Blue Ribbon 2023 Celebration

We welcome you to the Safe & Sound speakeasy where you will sip on your Tom Collins and dance the night away to some 1920s sounds, while we highlight the impact Safe & Sound has had in the community for the past 50 years!

Application and Update on the Mandated Reporting to Community Supporting Task Force

In September 2022, Safe & Sound released an issue brief proposing recommendations that will build strong communities that help keep children safe and families together. Over the last year…

Strengthening Families is Possible With Your Support & Partnership

Over the past 15 years, Safe & Sound’s programs have directly served more than 150,000 individuals and contributed to a 67% reduction in the rate of child abuse in San Francisco.

A Warm Hello from Safe & Sound CEO Pegah Faed

I am honored and excited to connect with you as the new CEO of Safe & Sound. It’s been an extraordinary first few weeks filled with warm welcomes, thoughtful team discussions, inspiring connections with families, and a sneak peek into the incredible foundation this organization has built.

Lunch & Learn: Focusing upstream – The role of communities in keeping families together

In this webinar our panelists help deepen our understanding of the impact of child abuse, neglect and trauma on children and families, and bring data and lived experience to inform how we can help communities to create a network of supports to mitigate that impact.

Welcome Dr. Pegah Faed, Our New CEO

We are thrilled to officially welcome our new CEO, Dr. Pegah Faed, to the Safe & Sound community. Pegah has dedicated her career to lasting change for children and families, and we are energized to embark on the next chapter for Safe & Sound with her leadership.

Dr. Pegah Faed Named Chief Executive Officer for Safe & Sound

Letter from Sarah Whitelaw and Bill Barnes, Board Co-Chairs; and Doug Tom, Chair of the Search Committee and the CEO Success Committee Dear Safe &…

Sometimes Life Can Challenge a Family’s Strength

After fleeing her home country because of domestic violence, Amanda found herself staying with one of her four children in an emergency shelter in San…

Lunch & Learn: The role of community pathways to keep our families safe & sound

In this event we shone a light to see what it could look like to have a robust, co-ordinated community support system.

New issue brief with action steps to create pathways to community support

Partnering with communities to create a child & family well-being system We are in the midst of a once-in-a-generation opportunity to reimagine the child welfare…

Lunch & Learn: Moving from intervention to prevention

In this session we explored the issues and the challenges involved in shifting our current reliance on mandated reporting of neglect and abuse, to a new paradigm based on the data and understanding of what families need.

Sharing Important News from Safe & Sound

Letter from Katie Albright  June 8, 2022 To my dear friends and partners of the Safe & Sound Community, I have some important news to share with…

The Trauma-informed ACE Screening and Intervention Evaluation (TASIE) Project is Changing the Standard of Pediatric Care in the US

Seeking the Next Cohort of Pediatric Practices for Participation SAN FRANCISCO and EAST WINDSOR, N.J., June 6, 2022 – Safe & Sound’s Center for Youth…

Lunch & Learn: Changing the narrative on abuse and neglect

This was the first session in our 2022 Lunch & Learn series about the facts and faces of prevention, designed to expand our collective understanding of what is considered child abuse and neglect, and the role of prevention strategies.