Parent Support: 415-441-KIDS (5437) 24 hours a day, 7 days a week Learn More
Classes & Services: 415-668-0494 during business hours Learn More
Currently Enrolling
Creando Conexiones: Apoyo para Nuevas Madres (Spanish Group)

Lunes 9 de Septiembre – 18 de Noviembre de 10:30 – 11:30am (no hay sesión el Lunes 7 de Octubre, 14 de Octubre y 11 de Noviembre)
Lugar: 1757 Waller Street, San Francisco

Grupo de apoyo para madres embarazadas o con bebes de 0-3 años. Este grupo es un espacio seguro para compartir inquietudes sobre las necesidades de su bebé, así como sus propias necesidades con respecto a temas sobre:

  • Lactancia
  • Desarrollo infantil
  • Auto-cuidado
  • Nutrición
  • Salud mental y mas.
Kids’ Turn Virtual Workshops

Virtual Child-Parent Workshops

Various Times | 6 weeks | Various Dates Open to families with children ages 8-17 Enrollment required. There is a fee to attend this workshop, which is for families dealing with separation and divorce. This workshop supports children in discussing their feelings and teaches tools to cope with parental separation. Parents meet simultaneously in separate groups to learn co-parenting skills, how to reduce family conflict, and prevent childhood difficulties. Two parent groups are conducted to allow parents to learn separately. Parents may attend without children, however children may not attend without a parent. If children choose to participate, they must attend all sessions. This workshop is a Family Court recognized co-parenting program. Parents will receive six month access to online curriculum upon completion of the workshop.

Upcoming Workshop Dates 2024

  • 8/19/2024 – 9/30/2024, Mondays 6-7:30pm (no session Sep 2 Labor Day)
  • 9/7/2024 – 10/12/2024, Saturday 10-11:30am
  • 9/25/204 – 10/30/2024, Wednesday 6-7:30pm
  • 10/19/2024 – 11/23/2024, Saturdays 10-11:30am

Virtual Early Years Workshops

Various Dates | 6 weeks Open to parents with children ages 0-4 Enrollment required. There is a fee to attend this workshop, which is designed to help parents understand the impact of family reorganization on their infants and toddlers. It teaches parents skills for promoting healthy development through cooperative parenting. Early Years is a parents ONLY workshop.. This workshop is a Family Court recognized co-parenting program. See our full schedule and learn more.

Upcoming Workshop Dates:

  • 9/7/2024 – 10/12/2024, Saturday 10-11:30am
  • 10/21/2024 – 11/25/2024, Monday 6-7:30pm
Self Support Group SPANISH

Martes 3 de septiembre – 5 de noviembre 3-4pm
Ubicación: 1757 Waller Street, San Francisco CA

Abierto a padres con niños de 0 a 17 años.
Requiere inscripción, sin costo / gratis

Este grupo desafía a sus miembros a pensar sobre los problemas de manera diferente y desafiar experiencias pasadas. Ayuda a organizar los cambios de la vida en pasos manejables, desarrollar formas de identificar patrones que presentan problemas relacionados con experiencias pasadas y aumentar la comprensión sobre cómo sanar y avanzar.

  • Pensar en tus problemas de manera diferente

  • Organizar los cambios de la vida en pasos más manejables.

  • Desarrollar formas de identificar patrones que presentan problemas relacionados con experiencias pasadas.

    Tuesday September 3rd – Nov 5th 3-4pm
    Location: 1757 Waller Street

Open to parents with children ages 0-17
Enrollment required, no cost / free

This group challenges its members to think about problems differently and challenge past experiences. It helps to organize life changes into manageable steps, develop ways to identify patterns that present problems related to past experiences and increase understanding about how to heal and move forward.

  • Thinking about your problems differently

  • Organizing life changes into more manageable steps

  • Develop ways to identify patterns that present problems related to past experiences

Virtual Single Parent Network

Tuesdays 6:00-7:30pm, August 27 – October 29 (10 sessions)
Open to single parents with children ages 0-17

This support group is for parents to discuss the challenges of single parenting in a non-judgmental and confidential setting. Led and facilitated by Diedre Goree, this 12-week group is broken into three themes:

  • Communication & Connection

  • Self-Care

  • Parenting Skills

Location: Virtually on Zoom

Registration required | Dinner provided | Child care provided | Free to attend

Register Now!

Playtime Together

Thursdays 9:30 – 10:15am, September 5 – October 24

Location: 1757 Waller Street, San Francisco CA

An interactive Parent + Child class to promote bonding, socioemotional skills & parent education through play-based activities.

Best for children ages 2-5

Family Dinner

Mondays, 5:15-6:00 PM | Ongoing
Weekly Sign-up Required, No cost / Free

Join us for a hot meal with your family!

Both dine in at our Waller building and take out options available.

Call 415-668-0494 to sign up.

Monthly Newsletter

Sign-up for our monthly email newsletter to stay informed on current and upcoming groups, family events, and other activities at Safe & Sound.

To receive text alerts for upcoming groups and family events, submit your phone number and language preference below.