Dear Friends,
Safe & Sound has rapidly adapted our programs and services to respond to the growing and extensive impact this public health crisis has had on families. Our 45+ years of serving our community have taught us that when we strengthen families, we protect children. Now, more than ever, we are focused on supporting families in our community.
Earlier this week, Governor Newsom issued a proclamation declaring April 2020 as “Child Abuse Prevention Month” in the State of California. He reminded us that “[f]inding solutions and keeping our children safe requires input and action from everyone. Right now, reaching out to support a parent who is struggling is a simple action we can all take.”
Extreme stressors on families are leading to significant increases in domestic violence and the potential for a child abuse epidemic in the US. Safe & Sound is helping to strengthen families during this crisis — as we do, every day — by focusing on Five Protective Factors:
Our community is facing immense challenges, and we may be for quite some time. While daunting, we are not without hope. There are resources available and steps that we can all take to protect children and families. Our TALK Line is for everyone, please call for support: (415) 441-KIDS (5437). Our classes are also open for enrollment. More details are available on our website.
And by knowing the Five Protective Factors, you can do your part:
Sample Message:
We can build a future without child abuse — one with safe kids, strong families & sound communities. This work doesn’t stop during a crisis — in fact, it is ever more vital. #ChildAbusePreventionMonth @safesoundkids #protectkids #strengthenfamilies #endchildabuse #safesoundcommunity
We are in this together and cannot do this work without you. Thank you for your partnership, support, and trust to serve families.
With gratitude,
P.S. Your meaningful donations sustain our families and we are truly grateful. Thank you for helping us keep families safe during this crisis.