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UC Berkeley Students Visit Safe & Sound

Gabrielle Mejia
September 3, 2019

Students from UC Berkeley visit Safe & Sound for the Company Visit Program.

Last week, Safe & Sound was honored to participate in UC Berkeley’s Company Visits Program and welcomed nine undergraduate students on a tour of our Haight-Ashbury location. These students selected Safe & Sound as one of the organizations to visit in their Bay Area orientation program, and we were thrilled to share insight into our work supporting children and families.

Tommy Thach, Safe & Sound’s Volunteer & Community Engagement Manager, began the tour of our historic Victorian firehouse by describing the issue of child abuse and its impacts on our community, and provided an overview of our work and approach towards child abuse prevention.

From the Parent Drop-In (PDI) Room to the TALK Line space on our second floor, each department’s work serves and supports families. The tour ended in the Therapeutic Children’s Playroom, where staff members from the client care, operations, and development departments participated in a panel discussion about their responsibilities and individual experiences in their line of work, offering insight and advice on working in the non-profit sector and at Safe & Sound.

We are so grateful to the UC Berkeley’s Company Visits Program for inviting us to host them and share our knowledge on children and family services and the non-profit sector. We thank all of the students and coordinators for spending the afternoon with us and wish them a successful school year, and the best of luck with their career paths and professional development. Thanks for letting us share about our work, and how Safe & Sound is working towards a future where every child grows up safe, protected, and loved.

Go Bears!!

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