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Child abuse and neglect by the numbers
One Year in California
  • 307,000+
    Reports per Year

    That’s one report every 2 minutes.

  • 51,800+
    Substantiated Cases of Abuse Per Year

    That’s 142 cases per day.

  • $20.9 Billion
    Lifetime Costs for a Year of Abuse

    1.57 million children could be sent to preschool for the same cost.

The Impact on a Child Lasts for a Lifetime
Although services and support help a child heal and minimize the effects of abuse, the impact can be severe and life-long.

Abused children are 77% more likely to require special education as well as have higher rates of school absenteeism and poorer academic performance.

Abused children are 59% more likely to be arrested as juveniles, and 28% more likely to have an adult criminal record, making it more difficult to find employment.

chart showing 200% more likely

Adolescent victims of child abuse are 200% more likely to be unemployed as adults and are more likely to receive public assistance.

Graph showing 21% higher

Victims of abuse have 21% higher long-term healthcare costs, a higher incidence of chronic health problems, mental health issues, and substance abuse throughout adulthood.

Impact on Families: The Cycle Continues
Parents who have experienced child maltreatment, including exposure to violence, are more likely to abuse their own children.
chart showing 35%

An estimated 25-35% of all individuals abused as children will grow up and abuse their own children. This cycle of violence can be disrupted through the development of parenting skills, caring relationships, and parental resilience.

Impact on Communities
Child abuse and neglect diminish a child’s future and negatively impact our entire community. It’s is a key underlying issue to many of society’s challenges:
  • Underperforming schools

  • Homelessness

  • High rates of incarceration

  • Drug and alcohol abuse

  • Lack of workforce vitality

  • Unemployment

  • Strained government and community resources

*Sources available upon request.

Together we can prevent child abuse and neglect