Parent Support: 415-441-KIDS (5437) 24 hours a day, 7 days a week Learn More
Classes & Services: 415-668-0494 during business hours Learn More
  1. I AM THE BOSS OF MY BODY! My body belongs to me!

  2. Say No, Get Away and Tell Someone if anyone makes you feel strange or uncomfortable.

  3. Safe Grownups Don’t Ask Kids for Help!! (They go to other grownups if they need assistance).

  4. I never go ANYWHERE or take ANYTHING from someone I don’t know.

  5. I must “CHECK FIRST” with my safe-smarts grownup for permission: before I go anywhere, change my plans, or get into a car even if it’s with someone I know. If I can’t check first, then the answer is NO!

  6. Everybody’s bathing suit areas are PRIVATE.

  7. I don’t have to be POLITE, if someone makes me feel scared or uncomfortable. It’s okay to say NO… even to a grownup, if I have to.

  8. I don’t keep SECRETS… especially if they make me feel scared or uneasy. (No adult should tell a child to keep a secret).

  9. If I ever get LOST in a public place, I can FREEZE & YELL or go to a Mom with Kids and ask for help.

  10. I will always pay attention to my Special Inner Voice, especially if I get an “uh-oh” feeling.