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By: Jenny Pearlman, Chief Policy Officer at Safe & Sound

I recently had the honor of presenting at a webinar hosted by CalTrin titled Spotlight on Neglect. It was an inspiring and collaborative experience, and I was joined by my esteemed peers from Prevent Child Abuse (PCA) America, as well as their Arizona and Virginia PCA affiliates. Together, our goal was to raise awareness about the high correlation of poverty and allegations of neglect and the fact that providing families with the resources and supports they need can keep families safely together without unnecessary child welfare involvement.

During my presentation, I highlighted some critical points that we need to keep in the forefront of our minds. One of the most striking is that 45% of allegations of abuse and neglect in California are for neglect, and only 1 in 9 allegations is substantiated. This shows alarming overreporting of children into the child welfare system—especially African American, Native American, and Latino children. The majority of these reports are related to poverty or other parental circumstances where families could be supported and strengthened through community services and resources, rather than experiencing the trauma of a child protective services investigation.

At Safe & Sound, we are honored to be at the forefront of the work in California to reform policies and practices that perpetuate overreporting. Additionally, through efforts such as our leadership of the Family Services Alliance, we aim to ensure that families receive the support they need without unnecessary and traumatic interventions from the child welfare system.

A key milestone in our work was involvement in the successful advocacy for AB 2085, a bill, effective in January 2023, that prohibits mandated reporting based on economic disadvantage. This is a significant step towards addressing the root causes of overreporting and ensuring that families are not unfairly targeted due to their economic circumstances.

In addition to our legislative efforts, Safe & Sound has played a leadership role in launching a statewide task force to reform mandated reporting. The recently presented recommendations from this task Force include a bold proposal: that mandated reporters no longer be required to report general neglect. This package of recommendations is designed to:

  • Limit the overreporting of families whose needs can be met outside of child protective services.
  • Eliminate inaccurate reports by mandated reporters.
  • Address racial disproportionality within the child welfare system.
  • Reallocate investments from the child welfare system to community supports.

These initiatives are crucial for creating a more just and effective system that truly supports and strengthens families. By shifting the focus from punitive measures to supportive community services, we can help ensure that children and families thrive without the fear and trauma associated with unnecessary child protective services involvement.

As we continue this vital work, I am grateful for the dedication and collaboration of our partners at PCA America and its affiliates. Together, we are making strides towards a more equitable and supportive child welfare system. Thank you to everyone who participated in the webinar and for your ongoing commitment to protecting and uplifting our children and families.

Last year, just before the school year started, Mia’s family joined us at our Community Night Dinner. Mia’s family had been going through a tough time, and her mother, with tears in her eyes, confided that she couldn’t afford new school supplies for Mia. Safe & Sound jumped into action and provided Mia with a new backpack filled with all the essentials, and her face lit up with pure joy. She hugged the backpack tightly, like a treasure chest, and said, “Now I can go to school like everyone else.” For Mia and her family, that backpack was more than just supplies—it was hope, and a chance to start the school year on equal footing with her peers.

As we enjoy the beautiful start of summer, you can help Safe & Sound prepare for our annual Back-to-School drive for the upcoming school year. We are determined to support all the children and families we serve, especially those in vulnerable situations. The anticipation of a new school year, filled with learnings and friendships, often comes with significant stress for some families. Rising costs, financial constraints, and emotional strains make it difficult for many parents to afford essential school supplies for their children.

Imagine the joy of starting a new school year with a brand new backpack and new supplies, or the excitement in a child’s eyes on the first day back seeing friends. Our annual Back-to-School Drive provides all the essential items that a kid would need – a backpack with school supplies. This drive brings joy to nearly 250 kids each year, helping them start the school year with confidence and excitement.

Your generous donation allows us to purchase the school items that a child would need to attend a school. You can also donate by buying supplies directly from our Amazon wish list! Your support will bring smiles and hope to so many children in our community.

Your help is vital to our mission of ensuring families have access to the resources they need for a strong start to the school year. By reducing the financial burden and stress on parents, we can work together to prevent child abuse, neglect, and trauma, paving the way for a successful academic year. Thank you for considering partnering with us on this essential campaign.

Blue Ribbon Celebration
Farah Makras
P. Wayne Osborne & Gregory R. Price

Friday, September 13th
6:30 pm – 11:00 pm
Palace Hotel
2 New Montgomery Street
San Francisco

Cocktail Reception, Seated Dinner, and Dancing!

Celebrating more than 50 years of service!

Join us as we “Light Up the Night” and celebrate hope, healing & change!

Please join us to celebrate and fundraise for the families we serve at Safe & Sound! For more than 50 years, we have been at the forefront of providing programs that keep children safe and families strong. Support our mission at our 27th Annual “Blue Ribbon Celebration” and help us build brighter futures for our families and community!

Starting as the San Francisco Child Abuse Center in 1973, and now a statewide leader on prevention and family wellness, we are proud of the work we have done for and with children and families. Let’s shape the next 50 years of safe children and strong families…together!

The Blue Ribbon name and symbol are used to show support of child abuse prevention. When the Blue Ribbon Celebration started 27 years ago, Safe & Sound chose the name as a way to honor the vision of a future free from child abuse and neglect.


For details on sponsor benefits, please view the Blue Ribbon Celebration Sponsor Levels & Benefits

Thank You to our Host Committee

If you are interested in joining the event host committee please email

  • Katie Albright
  • Becca Chappell
  • Topher Conway
  • Suzette Clarke
  • Ameena Gill
  • Tracy Kennedy
  • Jillian Manus
  • Hillary Mendola
  • Stephanie Pappas
  • Katie Reister
  • Adam Swig
Event Sponsors

We are grateful to our generous sponsors for everything they do to ensure a safe & sound future for children and families.

Diamond Trailblazers

The Polk Wealth Management Group
at Morgan Stanley Private Wealth Management


Platinum Changemakers
  • P. Wayne Osborne & Gregory R. Price
  • Anonymous
  • Anonymous
Gold Advocators

Ron Conway
Topher Conway

Silver Collaborators
  • Adobe Employee Giving Program
  • Katie Albright & Jake Schatz
  • Bedford Insurance Brokerage, Inc.
  • The Carmichael Family
  • Chuck Chai & Mon Siriwatwechakul
  • Julie & Greg Flynn
  • Greer Odom Charitable Fund
  • Mary & Brett Gullixson
  • Victor & Farah Makras
Bronze Partners

Casey Family Programs
Northern Trust
Sarah and David Whitelaw

Steel Strengtheners
  • Christina and Joe Bou-Saba
  • Rachel J. Castillo
  • Becca Chappell
  • Jeff & Suzette Clarke
    • Patricia Duffy and Les Sherman
      • JP Morgan
    • KPMG
    • Jillian Manus & Rob Chesnut
  • Hilary & Jamie Mendola
  • Stephanie Pappas
  • Kathryn and David Riester
  • SSL Law Firm LLP
  • TEF Design
  • UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital
  • Laura & James Ward

Safe & Sound is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Donations are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. A Blue Ribbon Celebration Ticket is valued at $195.

Federal Tax ID number: 94-2455072

Read our Donor Privacy Policy.

Safe & Sound is proud to announce the Center for Youth Wellness’s (CYW, a program of Safe & Sound) successful completion of a groundbreaking program aimed at demonstrating the feasibility of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) screening in pediatric primary care settings on a nationwide scale. The Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) submitted a comprehensive report detailing the program’s outcomes to the United States Congress.

The program, spearheaded by CYW in partnership with the New Jersey Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics, has shown that ACEs screening can be effectively integrated into pediatric primary care settings across diverse communities, paving the way for a transformative shift in pediatric healthcare practices. By identifying and addressing ACEs early, healthcare providers can intervene to mitigate the long-term impacts of childhood trauma on health and well-being.

“We are thrilled to report the successful completion of our pilot program, which underscores the importance and feasibility of ACEs screening as a routine part of pediatric care,” said Karissa Luckett, Senior Director of the Center for Youth Wellness and the project lead for this program. “The findings from our program demonstrate that early identification of ACEs can lead to targeted interventions that improve health outcomes and break the cycle of intergenerational trauma.”

The report submitted to Congress highlights the urgent need for ACEs screening to become a standard practice in pediatric healthcare nationwide. With the prevalence of childhood trauma at alarming levels, integrating ACEs screening into routine pediatric visits is essential for providing comprehensive, trauma-informed care to children and families.

Furthermore, CYW emphasizes the importance of the need for Medicaid reimbursement for pediatricians conducting ACEs screenings. By ensuring that healthcare providers are adequately compensated for these screenings, Medicaid can incentivize widespread adoption of ACEs screening and support the delivery of trauma-informed care to all children, regardless of socioeconomic status.

“This work would not have been possible without the trailblazing efforts of the Center for Youth Wellness’s founder, Dr. Nadine Burke-Harris, to investigate, implement, and spread the wisdom of ACEs and their impact on life-long health” said Dr. Pegah Faed, CEO of Safe & Sound. “As this report shows, ACEs screening is something that should be scaled up so that every child in America can have access to the supports they need to thrive.”

As a leading expert in ACEs training and data collection, CYW stands ready to support healthcare providers and institutions in implementing ACEs screening protocols. Through innovative training programs, technical assistance, and data analytics, CYW equips healthcare professionals with the tools and resources needed to effectively identify and address childhood trauma in clinical settings.

The completion of this program marks a significant milestone in the movement to prioritize childhood resilience and well-being in healthcare policy and practice. With continued support and collaboration, we can ensure that every child has the opportunity to thrive, free from the burden of adverse childhood experiences, and be as resilient, happy, and healthy as possible.

For more information about Safe & Sound and the Center for Youth Wellness, please visit

About Safe & Sound

Safe & Sound is a children’s advocacy organization that has served San Francisco and the Greater Bay Area community for 50 years with a mission to prevent and reduce the impact of child abuse, neglect and trauma. Safe & Sound has helped lead practices that have reduced the rate of child abuse in San Francisco by 65% and reduced entries into foster care by over 53% in the last 15 years. In 2021, we merged with the Center for Youth Wellness, the organization founded by the former California Surgeon General, Dr. Nadine Burke-Harris, to advance equitable and just policies to reduce the frequency of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and toxic stress. Each year, Safe & Sound reaches 11,000 children, parents, and caregivers in our community.


In 2022, every day over 140 children in California experienced child abuse or neglect. And in San Francisco alone, one child was reported to Child Protected Services every 1.8 hours.

Every child deserves the right to grow up in a safe and sound environment, yet child abuse and neglect know no boundaries, affecting families regardless of socioeconomic status. There is hope, because Safe & Sound knows that almost all of these incidents can be avoided by providing timely guidance, the right resources, and the support parents need.


Logging over 650 calls per month, and an astounding 85,000 calls in the past decade, Safe & Sound’s 24/7 TALK (Telephone Aid in Living with Kids) Line has been a lifeline for families in San Francisco and the Greater Bay Area since 1976. As our longest running program ever, this round-the-clock service plays a huge role in our prevention efforts as we are able to connect with caregivers in need of support no matter the time or the issue.

“I knew to call the TALK Line to get help before doing something I would regret. Both my wife and I grew up with lots of struggles, and when our son acted out, we had a hard time agreeing on how to respond, and our conflict made it worse. It got so intense one night, and I am glad the TALK Line was there. They ‘talked’ me down and helped me get connected again playing video games with my son. That first call to the TALK Line led to the support and resources we still get from Safe & Sound, and it has made all the difference in keeping our family together.” – Parent and a client of Safe & Sound


  1. Families are still struggling. The demand for our supportive services—like the TALK Line—is still higher than it was before the pandemic.
  2. Technology advancements can make our response time faster and more efficient. We can make upgrades with your support.
  3. Parents need to talk to people who have experienced what they are going through. Your support will help us recruit individuals who have overcome economic challenges, domestic violence, child welfare involvement, and other life adversities—and want to lend their strength.

The TALK Line is our “front door” that many families use for our direct, supportive, wrap-around services. Just one call to the TALK Line can change a family’s life forever. Your gift today, no matter the amount, will have a significant impact on the children and families in our community who reach out to us every day.

Right now, you can help ensure that ALL children can grow up safe, protected, and loved.

Workers and volunteers with Safe and Sound — a San Francisco nonprofit focused on preventing and reducing the impact of childhood abuse, neglect and trauma throughout California — began the year with cause for celebration.

They’re ending the same way, too.

January marked the beginning of the 50th year since its 1973 founding, when Dr. Moses Grossman — UCSF’s pediatrics chief at the time — aimed to develop best practices and policies for responding to and preventing child abuse and neglect.

Pegah Faed, the CEO of Safe and Sound, said December is winding down on an equally strong note, thanks in part to the success of its annual holiday gift program.

Joyous sounds fill Safe & Sound’s Therapeutic Children’s Playroom as children giggle and play. The Playroom, always buzzing with activities, nurtures positive interactions among the kids, fostering bonding and social-emotional learning and school readiness skills. The children, ages 1 month – 12 years old, visit the Playroom while their parents participate in therapy services, attend workshops, or receive support from the dedicated Safe & Sound staff.

Recently, amidst the cheerful atmosphere, a poignant moment emerged. A child’s unexpected words cut through the laughter, “We do not have a home to go back to, my family doesn’t live there anymore.” The Safe & Sound team’s eyes swiftly turned toward Joey, the child who had just spoken these heartfelt words.

Immediately, our Care Coordination team (our Care Management Support who work directly with families) talked to his caregiver, Barbara, who was attending one of our parent education workshops. The team learned more about their situation and provided support by securing a safe accommodation and arranging a rental home. Additionally, the team provided for some basic needs, including warm clothing, food, an airbed, and gift cards for purchasing necessities. This assistance was made possible because of donors like YOU! Safe & Sound was able to immediately provide support to a family in crisis, minimizing the obvious trauma Joey—and his caregivers—were experiencing.

I don’t know what I would do if Safe & Sound didn’t exist”, says Barbara, the child’s mom. “Because of Safe & Sound, we live under a roof, and Joey is in a safe place now.” Many families in vulnerable situations face stressful challenges like this, and the stress is compounded when a parent has to worry about their child being removed from them if they can’t provide basic needs like housing. Imagine life circumstances getting in the way of being able to provide care and nurturing for your child.

More than 10,000 families utilize the vital programs and services of Safe & Sound annually not because of a crisis but rather to help cope with their family’s daily stressful challenges.

Your generous donation today contributes directly to Safe & Sound’s success in improving life for children and families in San Francisco and the Bay Area. The assistance and support of the Safe & Sound community—individuals like YOU—empower us to fortify families like Barbara’s so they can be the most effective caregivers for their children. Your gift as a Safe & Sound community member ensures all families are not alone during some of the biggest challenges faced by parents and children.

  • Our multilingual Clinical Care Coordinators provide:
    • Immediate assistance such as applying for affordable housing, securing educational services for children, and supporting parents in navigating the referrals, connections, and applications that will help secure tailored support for their long-term success.
    • Integrated Family Services (IFS) for families requiring a more structured and comprehensive support system as they work to increase their parenting skills and build strengthening relationships in the community.
  • The TALK Line volunteers provide 24/7 parental stress phone support because the journey of parenting can be challenging.
  • Staff and volunteers who manage our Playroom and parenting classes ensure that all children are safe, protected, and loved.
  • Our therapists offer personalized one-on-one therapy services designed for children, parents, and families to deliver comprehensive support to our clients.
  • And finally, generous donors make sure that parents and children receive all of these services for free, including funds for childcare when needed.

Your gift as a Safe & Sound community member wraps all of this support around every family that comes Safe & Sound with hope of a better future for themselves and their children. Thank you for being a partner in our mission to prevent and reduce the impact of childhood abuse, neglect and trauma.

Happy holidays,

Gagan Sandhu
Chief Program Officer

As a new school year approaches, the excitement of seeing friends and learning new things can quickly be erased by the stresses too often felt by families living in vulnerable situations. With rising inflation, financial constraints, limited access to resources, and emotional and psychological strain, parents may be unable to afford basic school supplies and support for their children. Your continued generous support helps Safe & Sound ensure that all children can return to school happy and ready to learn, and that families facing hardships receive the necessary support to overcome challenges all year long.

Safe & Sound plays a critical role in helping families by providing a wide range of services, resources, workshops, and classes specifically designed to alleviate the stress that often accompanies summer holidays and back-to-school time.

One of our signature programs, the Therapeutic Children’s Playroom, has experienced a surge in drop-in visits this summer. Our program is a vital resource, offering therapeutic care and early interventions for children and their parents/caregivers. Beyond providing a safe environment for children to participate in educational and enjoyable activities, we also facilitate a food pantry, organize family dinners, and offer emergency support for immediate needs. The other engaging and popular summer activities include movie sessions in the playroom, where children and caregivers enjoy together while indulging in popcorn, candy, and other fun treats. These additional services empower parents to access stabilizing resources and alleviate stress so parents and caregivers can do what they most want to do—focus on their children.

Sometimes even more support is needed. Our Integrated Children & Family Services (ICFS) program is dedicated to assessing and providing targeted interventions for high-needs children. It strengthens their social and emotional competence, ensuring they are ready to thrive in school and in our community. Additionally, we host a special Child Safety Awareness session designed specifically for parents. This session equips them with the necessary language and knowledge to keep their children safe as they return to school. Importantly, this session is conducted in both English and Spanish, ensuring accessibility for a wider range of families.

Families need our partnership all year long, so we offer ongoing services to support families throughout the year.

  • Our 24-hour TALK Line is available around-the-clock to provide immediate assistance and guidance whenever needed, handling more than 8,000 calls annually.

  • We provide parental drop-in services where parents can take a break and seek advice and support from our knowledgeable staff.

  • We offer parenting education classes and support groups that strengthen children’s social emotional learning and give parents the tools to foster healthy development.

  • For children, we provide ongoing and weekly groups that incorporate hands-on activities, adventures, arts and crafts sessions, such as PlayTime Together, yoga, Superheroes and Music Together.

These services and activities aim to create a supportive community where everyone can thrive. You remember the joy of returning to school—or the excitement in your child’s eyes on that first day back. Your generous support helps Safe & Sound create those memories for so many children and families in our community.

Your generous gift directly contributes to our mission of ensuring that our families have access to vital resources that prepare them for back to school and equip them for a strong year ahead. By alleviating the financial burden and reducing parents’ stress about affording these necessities, we can work together to prevent child abuse, neglect and trauma, and help open the door to a great school year ahead.

Blue Ribbon 2023 Celebration - October 27 - Julia Morgan Ballroom
Co-Chairs Jillian Manus & Rob Chesnut and P. Wayne Osborne & Gregory Price
October 27, 2023 ~ 6:00pm – 10:00pm

The Julia Morgan Ballroom, 465 California Street, San Francisco

Celebrating 50 years of service!

Join us in drawing inspiration from the roaring 1920s as we pave the way for change in the 2020s.

We welcome you to the Safe & Sound speakeasy where you will sip on your Tom Collins and dance the night away to some 1920s sounds, while we highlight the impact Safe & Sound has had in the community for the past 50 years!

With generous partners and donors by our side since 1973, Safe & Sound has helped strengthen families and build community. Starting as the San Francisco Child Abuse Center, and now a statewide leader on prevention and family wellness, we are proud of the work we have done for-and with- children and families.

Let’s shape the next 50 years of safe children and strong families…Together!

As part of our celebrations this year, we will honor a true advocate for children and families who has significantly contributed to the field of child abuse prevention, Katie Albright, with the Dr. Moses Grossman Award.

*Blue Ribbon: The Blue Ribbon name and/or symbol are used to show support of child abuse prevention. When the Blue Ribbon Event started 26 years ago, Safe & Sound chose the name as a way to honor the vision of a future free from child abuse and neglect.

Dr. Moses Grossman Award

As part of our celebrations, we will honor a true advocate for children and families who has significantly contributed to the field of child abuse prevention, Katie Albright, with the Dr. Moses Grossman Award.

With grace and dedication, Katie Albright has exemplified generosity in mind, body, and spirit making an incredible difference in the lives of children and families. In recognition of her significant contributions to the field, we will present Katie Albright with the Dr. Moses Grossman Award. Named after our founder, the Dr. Moses Grossman Award, which has only been given three times in our 50 year history, acknowledges extraordinary achievements in the field of child abuse prevention.

This event is not just about commemorating the past; it’s about looking ahead to a future where all children, families, and communities are safe, supported, and loved. Together, we will raise funds to support our continued mission, ensuring that our organization’s vital initiatives can positively impact lives for the next 50 years.


For details on sponsor benefits, please view the Blue Ribbon Event Partnership Prospectus.

Thank You To Our Event Host Committee

If you are interested in joining the event host committee please email

  • Christina Bou-Saba
  • Rachel J. Castillo
  • Natasha Dolby
  • Nicole Farb
  • Anthony Heckman
  • Jillian Manus
  • Hilary Mendola
  • Fiona Montgomery
  • P. Wayne Osborne
  • Stephanie Pappas
  • Katie Riester
  • JoAnn Rose
  • Adam Swig
Event Sponsors

We are grateful to our generous sponsors for everything they do to ensure a safe & sound future for children and families.

Diamond Trailblazer

The Polk Wealth Management Group
at Morgan Stanley Private Wealth Management


Platinum Changemaker
  • P. Wayne Osborne & Gregory R. Price
  • Anonymous
Gold Advocator
Silver Collaborator
  • Katie Albright & Jake Schatz
  • Tina & Joe Bou-Saba
  • Chuck Chai & Mon Siriwatwechakul
  • Erik & Susan Edwards/Cooley
  • Jillian Manus & Rob Chesnut
  • Susan & Bill Oberndorf
  • JaMel & Tom Perkins
  • Catherine & Jarrod Phillips
  • Neeracha Taychakhoonavudh & Sean Trabosh
Bronze Partner
  • Casey Family Programs
  • Northern Trust
  • Sarah & David Whitelaw
Steel Strengthener
  • Adobe Inc.
  • Rachel J. Castillo
  • Shannon & Douglas Cogen
  • Patricia Duffy & Les Sherman
  • Mary & Brent Gullixson
  • James & Zem Joaquin
  • JP Morgan
  • Hilary & Jamie Mendola
  • Old Republic Title Company / Greg De Martini
  • Stephanie Pappas
  • Katie & David Riester
  • John Solomon & Caroline Buckway
  • SSL Law Firm LLP
  • Christopher Stewart & Shelley Wu
  • Roselyn Chroman Swig
  • TEF Design
  • Angela Ty
  • UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospitals
  • Laura & James Ward
In Kind Sponsors
  • The Battery San Francisco
  • Foxen Vineyard & Winery
  • Inn at Mattei’s Tavern, Auberge Resorts Collection
  • The Luxury Travel Designer
  • Mauna Lani, Auberge Resorts Collection
  • San Francisco 49ers
  • San Francisco Zoo & Gardens
  • San Jose Earthquakes
  • Solage, Auberge Resorts Collection
  • Stanly Ranch, Auberge Resorts Collection

Safe & Sound is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Donations are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. A Blue Ribbon Luncheon Ticket is valued at $155.

Federal Tax ID number: 94-2455072

Read our Donor Privacy Policy.

In September 2022, Safe & Sound released an issue brief proposing recommendations that will build strong communities that help keep children safe and families together. Over the last year, Safe & Sound has been playing an important leadership role in the statewide effort to shift from reporting families into systems, to safely supporting families in the communities where they can thrive.

We invite you to join this effort by applying for the Mandated Reporting to Community Supporting (MRCS) Task Force through the English or Spanish language links below.

Dear Child, Family, and Community Well-Being Partners,

We are excited to connect with you today about California’s commitment to build communities that keep children and youth safe and families together. Specifically, California has approved the formation of a Mandated Reporting to Community Supporting (MRCS) Task Force to help realize this commitment.

This communication provides information on the purpose, progress, and next steps of the MRCS Task Force. We invite you to learn more, and to share this information broadly, as we all have a role to play in building communities that keep children safe and families together.

What we are working toward
The need for change in the mandated reporting system is evidenced in the large volume of reports to child protection hotlines each year that ultimately end up being screened out, unsubstantiated, or included as allegations of general neglect only. The negative impact of overreporting is most significant for Black/African American, American Indian/Alaska Native, and Latino/a children and families who are disproportionately represented in these reports, and in the child welfare system overall.

On March 13, 2023, the California Child Welfare Council (CWC) unanimously approved a set of Community Pathway Recommendations with the following goals:

  • Reform the state’s mandated reporting system so children and families are safely supported in their communities. You may start to hear about this as Mandated Reporting to Community Supporting.
  • Build strong and connected community supports that understand, connect to, and enhance the natural strengths of every family. You may start to hear about this as Building a Community Pathway.

Achieving these two goals requires working side-by-side with individuals and families with lived experience and expertise to transform current mandated reporting practices and policies, build community support networks, and equip mandated reporters with tools and information to change their practices.

Dr. Mark Ghaly, Secretary of the California Health and Human Services Agency, clearly stated California’s commitment to transform the state’s mandated reporting system following the unanimous vote by the Child Welfare Council when he said,

“This will take a reorientation of both mindset and how people work—how we invest in the work, and invest in the people who do the work. This is not just an average vote that we turn our backs on. This is a vote with a commitment that we all stay involved and support a mindset shift to make this happen.”

Progress to date
Recommendation #1 of the set of Community Pathway Recommendations approved on March 13th calls for the implementation of a statewide Mandated Reporting to Community Supporting Task Force. The work of the Task Force has been underway since early April through regular meetings of the Task Force Working Group, brought together and led by Co-Chairs, Dana Blackwell and Roger De Leon.  

The Working Group members represent the individuals and organizations that were involved in developing and advancing the original set of mandated reporting reform recommendations and include:

We are interviewing key stakeholders and planning listening sessions with a broad group of individuals who have proximity to the practice and impact of mandated reporting. Inquiry and research will be a constant part of our process over the life of the MRCS Task Force as we work toward a set of recommendations targeted for June 2024.

What’s next—and how you can join us
We acknowledge the urgency for change and we seek to partner with individuals and groups who have proximity to the mandated reporter system through their personal and/or professional experience and expertise. Our goal is to inform and advance this work with those most impacted by the current system, and those who have the greatest ability to change it.

The next step is to build out the MRCS Task Force and subcommittee membership. If you are interested in participating on the MRCS Task Force, or one of its subcommittees, please complete the application. Submission deadline is August 9, 2023, 5:00pm (PDT). Members will be selected before the end of August.

We are committed to engaging an active and expert group of people who share our passion for seizing this historical moment to reform the mandated reporting system and safely narrow the front door to child welfare.

Please share this email and link to your networks to help support California’s commitment to building communities that keep children and youth safe, and families together.

Roger De Leon Jr.
Co-Chair, MRCS Task Force
Child Welfare Council Member
Parent Partner, Fatherhood Advocate, Professional with Lived Expertise

Dana E. Blackwell
Co-Chair, MRCS Task Force
Child Welfare Council Member
Senior Director, CA Strategic Consultation, Casey Family Programs