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Children are often afraid or ashamed to tell anyone or may not understand that what is happening to them is wrong.
Remember that warning signs should lead you to look further and take action but do not necessarily mean a child is being abused.
Child Signs
Signs a Child May Be Experiencing Abuse
  • Changes in behavior, including appearing anxious, passive, depressed, withdrawn, or excessively angry

  • Fear of being with a particular person

  • Changes in school performance or attendance

  • Self-harming behaviors, such as using drugs or alcohol, engaging in promiscuity, carrying a weapon, cutting, or trying to run away

  • Changes in eating and sleeping that may show up in physical appearance

  • Returning to earlier behaviors such as bed-wetting, thumb-sucking, fear of strangers, and baby talk

  • Unexplained injuries or physical issues such as headaches, stomach pain, and trouble walking or sitting

  • Apparent lack of adult supervision or care

Adult Signs
Types of Abuse